Margin Protection (MP) is a crop insurance coverage option that provides producers with coverage against an unexpected decrease in their operating margin. The plan provides coverage that is based on an expected margin, which is the expected area revenue minus the expected area operating costs, for each applicable crop, type and practice. MP is area-based coverage and may not necessarily reflect a producer’s individual experience.

Margin Protection Margins and Premiums are available for viewing and downloading 

View and Download Margin Protection Data 

Coverage under MP and MP-HPO is offered based on grain yields (bu/ac), prices ($/bu), revenues ($/ac) and costs ($/ac) for all types for which there are MP offers in the county.

Enter Your Location Information

Attention: The Premium Credit estimator has been updated to display final pricing information. The materials contained in this estimator are consistent with the materials that have been provided to RMA and will be provided to the AIPs for their systems and premium calculations prior to acreage reporting for spring crops. All values published here remain estimates and may differ from final premium credits applied based on information provided in acreage reports.

This MP Webpage allows users to input information and see estimates of margins and premiums. Pages shown at this location are estimates only. Three days after the projected price discovery period the final MP margins and premiums are available for download at this location These margins and premiums per acre will be the same as published by RMA in the AIB.

All program counties listed in the MP website pdf files may not be listed with margin and premium if there are issues with data.

The price discovery periods for MP corn, soybeans and wheat begins August 15th. After that date daily prices will be shown at “Price Discovery.” These prices are used to develop the Margin projected price and Projected input prices for MP. Estimates of the Expected Margins and Premiums will be shown daily based upon the projected prices during price discovery.

The first price discovery period for rice begins December 15th. Rice will show estimates until rice price discovery begins. These estimates before price discovery are based on the previous month of prices.

MP is offered either as a stand-alone policy (as quoted above using current market data and simulations) or in conjunction with an individual buy up base policy. If a grower chooses to purchase both MP and a Yield Protection or Revenue Protection policy (plan codes 01, 02, 03), the premium for MP will be reduced. The amount of the reduction cannot be known definitively until all information needed to establish liability under the base policy is known. The premium displayed is the maximum amount of premium per acre that could be owed for MP given the estimated market values and assuming no individual policy is purchased.

Please Note: offers a premium credit estimator for public use. It is very important to understand that each value provided is only an estimate and cannot currently consider all of the variables that will be used in determining the actual credit that applies for any given policy. For most policies and situations, the estimates provided will be accurate and meaningful, but there will be scenarios where acreage reports or other variables will differ from current expectations and these can have important impacts on premium credits. We accept no liability for estimates that differ from final values.

When considering the estimate provided here, please keep in mind variables like the actual unit history and acreage planted cannot be known until acreage reporting is complete. Prices and volatilities that have not completed discovery introduce additional unpredictability. There are also a number of caps on the amount of credit that are applied based information that is not definitively known until after acreage reporting. These caps (assuming a 1.00 protection factor) include a minimum final total MP premium (MP premium less a simulated credit) of $0.50/ac, a limit on the amount of credit not to exceed 70% of the gross MP premium, and a limit on the amount of credit not to exceed 70% of the actual base policy premium. These are applied proportionally for other protection factors.

The premium credit is applied to the MP premium established at the end of the MP projected price discovery period (September 15 for corn and soybeans) and has no impact on the amount of base policy premium.